To celebrate the Chinese New Year, Davidoff takes inspiration from the Chinese Zodiac and presents the collection Year of the Rat limited edition products. For the eighth consecutive year, the Davidoff Master Blenders have crafted a cigar, blending tobaccos from multiple origins.
“We are proud to present a limited edition range of an exclusive Davidoff cigar, pipe, pipe tobacco and accessories to celebrate the Chinese New Year for the eighth time. Our Master Blenders and design teams continue to challenge the status quo and have again excelled. From sophistication in taste to creative packaging, we make it our daily mission at Davidoff to surprise and delight Chinese and global aficionados with these exclusive experiences,” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG.
The Year of the Rat Cigar
The cigar, a Toro format, is wrapped in a silky dark brown Habano wrapper grown in Ecuador. The Nicaraguan binder and blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican filler tobaccos mingle to woody, earthy notes of dark chocolate and roasted coffee.
Limited to 10’000 pieces worldwide, the Davidoff «Year of the Rat» Edition is presented in a box of 10 cigars featuring signature red lacquer, gold accents, and a simple yet sophisticated icon representing the rat.
The Year of the Rat Pipe and Pipe Tobacco
The 70 numbered pipes with a draught hole of 9mm are all handcrafted of Italian briar wood and adorned with a silver ring emphasizing the contrast between the black mouthpiece and the wood grain and bearing an engraved «Year of the Rat» pattern. Coming in a vibrant red lacquered tin, the pipe tobacco blend is influenced by Asian flavours. A blend consisting of Black Cavendish and Bride Cut Virginia in combination with Dark Fired Kentucky from Indonesia, Rose pedals and flavoured with Lychee. Each tin is numbered and availability is limited to 5’000 pieces globally.
The Year of the Rat Accessories
The pipe pouch offers enthusiasts a pocket for the pipe, pipe tobacco and for accessories. This pouch, made by an Italian craftsman, comes in smooth calf nappa and bovine suede leather in a combination of grey and russet colours. Each of the 200 pouches is numbered and bears the «Year of the Rat» icon.
The «Year of the Rat» leather case protects the cigars and keeps them moist for up to ten days. The cigar leather cases are limited to 250 pieces globally. They are hand crafted in Spain from the finest cowhide leather in hazelnut color. Thanks to the adjustable length, they accommodate two cigars up to ring gauge 60 and a maximum length of 8 ¼ inches (21 cm).
Launch and Availability
From November 2019, the Davidoff Year of the Rat Limited Edition cigars, pipe, pipe tobacco and accessories will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores around the world.