From May 15 thru June 18, the global cigar family submitted nominations for the 2023 Cigar Trophies. Now it’s about every single vote.
Until July 16, 2023 (24:00 CET) the top 5 nominees of all categories can be voted on:
– Best Brand
– Best Cigar
– Best Value
– Best Boutique Brand
– Best Accessory
– Best Lounge
The cigar community has put together a spectacular shortlist of the most popular products and lounges. Become part of our worldwide jury and vote now:
The award ceremony will take place on September 14, 2023 in Dortmund and will be streamed LIVE on Facebook.
A separate set of awards (the Jury Awards) is determined by the editorial board of Cigar Journal. The winners in these categories will also be honored at the awards ceremony.