Procigar, the Association of Dominican Cigar Manufacturers, celebrated their sixteenth annual Procigar Festival.
Vintage Havana Cigar Auction
The C.Gars Auctions are back for 2024.
The eighth annual Daniel Marshall Cigar Lounge “Campfire” event
The eighth annual Daniel Marshall Cigar Lounge “Campfire” event brought celebrities from all over the world together at the KitzbĂĽhel Country Club to enjoy cigars together.
J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Launches Tobacco Tasting Classes
Experienced tobacconists will teach visitors about 24 types of premium cigar tobacco.
Rocky Patel Cigars Reach Antarctica
Cigars have probably never been smoked further south and closer to both Poles. Rocky Patel cigars have now set this record together with the passionate Peter Rizzo.
Quality Importers Launch New Website
Importers Trading Company announces the launch of its newly redesigned corporate website.
Casdagli Cigars Announces First Donation Introducing Boniface
Casdagli Cigars, esteemed for its Cypher 3311 cigar line, proudly announces the first donation of $8,000 to the Red Cross, courtesy of its commitment to donate a dollar from every cigar sold.
Christian Eiroa Visits Bertie, Hong Kong
For the first time in its few years of existence, Bertie Cigar Lounge has been able to offer the space a cigarmaker deserves: the spotlight!
Casa De Montecristo features Operation: Cigars For Warriors
Operation: Cigars For Warriors announced that for the month of November, it will be the featured charity of Casa Cares, the fundraising program of Casa de Montecristo retail stores.Â
J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Documentary for Free on YouTube
The inaugural episode of the Hand Rolled docuseries, Hand Rolled: J.C. Newman Cigar Co. is now available to stream for free on YouTube.
Hand Rolled Premiers on October 17 on YouTube
The first episode of the Hand Rolled docuseries will stream for free on YouTube on October 17 at 7:30 p.m. ET.
Upcoming Ybor City Community Events
Here’s where you can find the next great cigar-related events in Ybor City.