E.P. Carrillo announces a groundbreaking partnership with Cigar Sense to offer personalized cigar recommendations to visitors of their website.
Habanosommelier Course comes to Asia
For the first time, the Sociedad Habanosommelier is bringing its Level 1 Sommelier Course offline to Asia.
A Perfect Night Under the Stars in Toronto
On Thursday July 18th, 2024, cigar lovers from Toronto, Canada and beyond flocked to the ‘Night Under the Stars’ event, hosted by popular Toronto-based tobacconist, Cigar Studio.
Plasencia and TimeCigar: An Encounter in Hong Kong
During Nestor Plasencia Jr.’s visit to Hong Kong, TimeCigar was honored to have hosted an exceptional tasting event that captivated cigar lovers in the city.
E.P. Carrillo Encore Cigars at Florida Panthers Victory Parade
The Florida Panthers, fresh off their exhilarating Game 7 victory as the 2024 Stanley Cup Champions, celebrated in grand style during a parade of champions on A1A in Fort Lauderdale Beach on Sunday, June 30th.
Habanos World Day London
Hundreds of cigar lovers from all over the world have gathered in London for three joyous days of celebrating the Trinidad brand.
The Legacy of Trinidad: by Kirby Allison
In celebration of the 55th anniversary of Trinidad, renowned journalist Kirby Allison has released a two-part documentary exploring the rich history and fascinating stories surrounding one of Cuba’s most revered cigar brands.
Oliva Evening in Istanbul
The cigar market in Turkey is anything but easy; nevertheless, Turkish passionados are extremely open and curious when it comes to new brands.
Bond Roberts Auctions Celebrates 5 Years of Cigar Auctions
This month, Bond Roberts celebrates its 5th anniversary of auctioning aged, rare, and vintage Cuban cigars.
Celebrating the SOTL Global Movement and Rum Culture in Dallas
At the heart of the SOTL Global Movement, Dallas stood out with its strong sense of excitement and friendship during the TEXAS RUM FEST & SGM VIP Event. This unique and lively event brought together lovers of fine cigars, premium rum, and a strong sense of community.
Global Premium Cigars
Enrique Sanchez is right now in the final check with the prototypes of a new cigar.
Valentino Siesto Cigars at the PCA 2024
Valentino Siesto Cigars was thrilled for their first presence at PCA 2024 in Las Vegas.