Davidoff cigars is excited to present the Davidoff gifting season 2024. The Davidoff Gift Selections are intended for passionados who want to indulge in everything Davidoff has to offer in terms of flavours, formatsand intensity.
“The most precious gifts come from the heart”, says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff. “Our experts in the Dominican Republic and around the world put all their passion and know-how into our premium handmade cigars and outstanding accessories every day, so that our aficionados can experience excellence in every creation. Especially our Gift Selections will fill both giver and receiver with love and joy, as every selection is an invitation to discover cigars of several shapes or lines, crafted with a variety of tobaccos that represent the depth of rich tastes that Davidoff has to offer.”
The first contains five of Davidoff’s best-selling robustos. The second includes six figurados, a special shape that requires years of experience and expertise to roll and is a testament to Davidoff’s craftsmanship; the third and fourth selections with 9 and 12 cigars respectively offer Davidoff’s most sought-after cigars and formats. All Gift Selections are presented in elegant wooden boxes with a white base. An outer provides relevant information about the cigars, making them the perfect gift for the festive season.
Davidoff Royal Release in two formats
The Davidoff Gift Selections are intended for those who want to embark on a journey through all that Davidoff has to offer in terms of flavours, formats and intensity. In order to cater for different tastes and preferences, the brand proposes different selections*: The first contains five of Davidoff’s best-selling robustos. The second includes six figurados, a special shape that requires years of experience and expertise to roll and is a testament to Davidoff’s craftsmanship; the third and fourth selections with 9 and 12 cigars respectively offer Davidoff’s most sought-after cigars and formats. All Gift Selections are presented in elegant wooden boxes with a white base. An outer provides relevant information about the cigars, making them the perfect gift for the festive season.
Intensity: 3 out of 5
Dimensions Salomones: 57 x 8 1⁄4 “ | 2.3 cm x 21 cm
Dimensions Robusto: 55 x 5 1⁄2 “ | 2.2 cm x 14 cm