May 31 is International Enjoy a Cigar Day. To celebrate this day, Dom Cigár has a special offer for all cigar smokers.
Every passionado who buys cigars on May 31 in any of the Dom Cigár shops will receive a 40 percent discount.
The offer is valid for a one-time purchase on the day, and only applies to a cigar that costs between EUR 10 and 30.
Dom Cigár Shops:
Dom Cigár Stará Vajnorská
MY&MI s. r. o.
Stará Vajnorská 3A
831 04 Bratislava
Dom Cigár
Šancová 42
811 05 Bratislava
Dom Cigár
Michalská 12
811 03 Bratislava
Dom Cigár
Zvolenská cesta 14
974 05 Banská Bystrica