Tor Imports – the leading UK importer, distributor, sales, and trade marketing arm for premium cigar makers from Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Mexico – has appointed Ricardo Carioni as their Chief Operating Officer, effective immediately.
Scott Vines, Tor Imports Managing Director, said: “I’m delighted to have Ricardo join my senior team at Tor Imports. He will play a fundamental role in our vision and strategic plans to grow and scale our operations across all verticals. He will work alongside me to improve and further develop Tor’s range of products, and the quality and efficiency of services that we offer to all our partners in the UK and internationally”.
“I feel honoured to join Scott and the Tor Imports team. I’m genuinely excited and deeply committed to working together with our partners and all cigar industry stakeholders to further strengthen, grow, and develop our beloved industry”, said Ricardo, who is the Former Deputy Ambassador of Nicaragua to the UK, Ireland and Iceland.
Ricardo – born in Nicaragua – brings a passion for the cigar industry and 15+ years of senior experience leading operations and growth at global brands including William Hill and TripAdvisor.
Since 2016, Ricardo has been the Deputy Ambassador of Nicaragua to the UK, Ireland and Iceland as well as Trade Commissioner, Representative to the United Nations’ International Maritime Organisation, Representative to the International Coffee/Sugar/Cocoa Organisations, and Director of the Latin American Trade & Investment Association.
During his time at the Nicaraguan Embassy, Ricardo worked closely with key cigar industry stakeholders in the UK and internationally, providing expertise in regulatory and legislative issues, trade facilitation, business development, and supporting promotional efforts with our partners, retailers and cigar makers.
He is also the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Diplomatic Cigar Club.