Spring Edition 2006 – Zino Davidoff 100th Birthday

Cover Spring 2006 Cigar Journal Cigars with a large diameter are back in fashion. Many producers have launched larger diameter cigars in recent years.

The European Cigar Cult Journal brings a selection of these cigars to the big tasting: “Ring gauge 52+”.

In the Spring 2006 edition, we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Zino Davidoff. He is known as the “king of cigars.” And everyone agrees that he lives on in people’s hearts for a long time to come.

On the occasion of the anniversary, there are two limited Davidoff series. The “Diademas Finas”.

If you missed this edition, you can order a back-issue.  

The following is an overview of the contents of the 1/2006 edition.

Tasting Big Cigars: Ring Gauge 52+
Coverstory: 100th Birthday Zino Davidoff
Cigar Lounge: Allianz Arena – Cigars Meet Soccer
News From Cuba
Tobacco Provenance Honduras
Centro Cultural Dannemann: Between Tobacco Tradition and Provocation
Taiwan: Fine Smoke in Taipei
Bötschis Cutter: Of Pointless Prohibitions
Rich Perlman: The American View – Who Will Be No. 1 in 2006?
Wempe: Here, the Clocks Run Differently
Chokoladier Leschanz: The Cigar That Melts in the Mouth
Hacker’s Corner: Peterson – The Thinking Man’s Pipe
Water Pipes: An Oriental Sense of Joy
Rainer Barbi: Quest for Immortality
Pipe-Tobacco Smoked for You
Paul Becker: Precision Work from North Germany
Corssover Tasting: Armagnac – Eau de Vie from Gascony
The Price-Quality-Smoke
Gourmet-Tour: Coming Home to Lech
The Cigar Doctor



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