CJ 14/2

various hygrometers

Everything is Relative … Mainly Humidity

Everything is Relative … Mainly Humidity

It is relative humidity that we’re interested in; this is what we want to measure. There are several different methods of measurement. Here we are taking into account the ones that have a certain relevance to cigar storage. And with hygrometers, too, if you buy cheap, you have to buy twice.

partagas factory pollack calle san carlos havana

Once Upon a Time … A Warehouse at Calle San Carlos No. 816

It’s hard to believe that the famous tobacco exporter Mark A. Pollack built this splendid structure located behind the Briones Montoto factory just to store his excellent tobacco. Fully renovated in recent years, the gorgeous building is housing a Partagás worksite while its walls shine a gleaming white.



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