Hunters & Frankau

Hunters & Frankau released a list where to buy cigars during restrictions

Due to the actual situation a majority of retail shops are currently closed, including all clubs, bars and restaurants. Therefore Hunters & Frankau considered a list of outlets where you are still able to purchase cigars would be useful so that you are able to enjoy your favourite Havana during this lock-down period.

To this end, they have added a filter to the Where to Buy & Smoke section of their website which when selected lists the establishments where you are still able to purchase Havana cigars despite the trading restrictions.

Please be aware that many of the shops will not be conducting business in their usual fashion and restricted opening times or mail order services are common. Therefore, Hunters & Frankau would urge you to contact them directly to find the best way to make your purchase.

See below to view a PDF of all currently trading accounts or find your local, open stockist below:





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