Portoreal Reclaims CSWC Title in the DR

As the only major cigar producing country on the Cigar Smoking World Championship circuit, the Dominican qualifier feels a bit special. After all, this is where many of the cigars we love so much come from.

The first ever qualifier was held two years ago and the first one to be crowned Dominican slow smoking champion was Rafael Solano Portoreal. Despite improving his time by six minutes in 2023 he wasn’t able to defend his title. 1 hour 56 minutes and 46 seconds was about half an hour short of his wife Freilyn Perez Diaz’ time, when she set a new national record. That record still stands, even though Portoreal is back on the throne again.

At the Cigar World Lounge Bar in Santo Domingo the former national champion reclaimed the title when he smoked for 1 hour 50 minutes and 26 seconds. Magda Perez came in second at 1 hour 40 minutes and 46 seconds, while 1 hour 31 minutes and 33 seconds was enough for Vladimir Taveras to take third place.

“Impressively enough, there were no penalties this year, showcasing the high level of skill and sportsmanship among the participants,” CSWC founder Marko Bilic says.

  1. Rafael Solano Portoreal
  2. Magda Perez
  3. Vladimir Taveras

Nachdem Simon Lundh 2005 sein Ingenieursdiplom in Vermessungstechnik erwarb, entschied er sich für eine journalistische Laufbahn. Er entdeckte die Welt der Zigarren während er für eine nichtstaatliche Organisation in Estelí, Nicaragua, arbeitete und verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt nun größtenteils mit Artikeln über Zigarren, Metal Music und Tattoos sowie Reiseberichten.


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