E.P. Carrillo announces the first shipments of its 15 Year Anniversary Cigar to retailers today, a cigar crafted to celebrate the brand’s remarkable journey since its inception. This 6 1/2 x 54 Gran Toro represents the expertise, dedication, and passion that have defined E.P. Carrillo over the last 15 years. Showcasing extra-aged tobaccos, this cigar stands as a true testament to the brand’s craftsmanship and innovation.
The 15 Year Anniversary Cigar from E.P. Carrillo is a limited edition release with only 5,000 boxes available, split between 3,500 for the U.S. market and 1,500 for international buyers. Each box contains 15 cigars, retailing at $20 apiece, offering cigar enthusiasts an accessible yet collectible experience. Shipping begins today, ensuring the cigars reach retailers just in time for the holiday season.
At the core of the 15 Year Anniversary Cigar lies a carefully curated selection of tobaccos that echo both past successes and bold new flavors. The cigar features a 10-year-aged Mexican San Andres wrapper, handpicked by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo for its rich texture and oiliness. Complementing this is a 15-year-aged Jalapa binder from Nicaragua, ensuring a balanced and smooth smoking experience.
The filler is a harmonious combination of eight distinct tobaccos, including Criollo 98 Ligero from Estelí and Corojo 99 Ligero from the Dominican Republic’s La Canela region. This cigar is further enhanced by Condega Viso Seco and Viso from Jalapa, Nicaragua, aged between five and seven years. The result is a complex yet well-rounded profile that promises an unforgettable smoking experience.
“This cigar represents our journey over the last 15 years,” said Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Founder of E.P. Carrillo. “It reflects the challenges we’ve overcome, the progress we’ve made, and the passion we bring to every cigar we create. We wanted to craft something truly special to commemorate this milestone.”