Subscribers to the Cigar Journal magazine can now receive a complimentary one year premium subscription to Cigar Sense, a platform that “learns” your individual taste preferences, then recommends new cigars which match them.
How Cigar Sense Works
Cigar Sense is the best source on the internet for personalized, expert advice to help you identify new cigars you’ll love.
Beginning with a brief introductory survey, their inference engine refines the search parameters with each input of your preferences and searches their catalog of expert cigar analyses to find the cigars with the best degree of fit to your preferences.
Their users report discovering new gems they would have never thought of, becoming more aware of what they like or dislike in a cigar, and saving hundreds of dollars by reducing their guesswork when choosing new cigars to try. Learn more about it here.
Limited Offer
Current Cigar Journal subscribers can take advantage of this limited-time offer by December 31, 2016. Visit to sign up. Your free trial will automatically end after one year with the option of continuing with a paid subscription.
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