Coming together for the first time, Cigar Dojo and Fratello Cigars have collaborated on the limited-edition After BurnR cigar.
Perdomo & Cigar Dojo Collaborate on Commemorative Champagne Cigar
Perdomo Cigars and Cigar Dojo now introduce the Perdomo Reserve Champagne Cigar Dojo Limited Edition 10th Anniversary, a limited project that highlights each company’s unique achievements.
Cigar Dojo Collaborates with Alec & Bradley for Dojo Chico Cigar
Cigar Dojo has teamed up with Alec & Bradley Cigars to showcase the duo’s second collaborative project: Dojo Chico.
Espinosa & Cigar Dojo Reunite for Psychedelic Turtle II
Cigar Dojo and Espinosa Premium Cigars are reuniting to showcase a fresh take on the duo’s offbeat pet project: introducing the Psychedelic Turtle II.
Joya Ninjaragua
The Premier Collabortaion Between Cigar Dojo and Joya de Nicaragua