Hong Kong-based cigar distributors Cigraal, headed by Eric Piras, has announced a distribution deal with Ashton Cigars for China and will become their agent in the wider Asia-Pacific market. The full export portfolio will be available to Cigraal, and Asia-based cigar consumers can expect Ashton’s presence to transition smoothly under the new agreement.
Ashton has been present in Asia for a long time, but had no deep distribution, said Robert Levin President of Ashton, at this year’s InterTabac. “Through Cigraal, Eric will represent Ashton in all the countries in Asia we want to enter. Ashton has undertaken a lot of consolidation across the world, including Asia and I feel it is great to deal with a smaller company where the brand won’t get lost.”
“I’m very excited to represent the brand,” said Eric Piras. “I’m pleased to be working closely together with Robert and Chip Goldeen; it’s going to be a successful partnership. Ashton is recognised as a beautiful brand across Asia, while the VSG line particularly has a very good reputation and following.”
Pictured from left to right: Chip Goldeen, Eric Piras, Meera Levin, Robert Levin.