Daniel Marshall Limited FSG Tobacco Humidor

The latest Daniel Marshall humidor represents a collaboration with Corona Cigar Co.’s President and Founder, Jeff Borysiewicz. Each humidor is hand crafted using antique tobacco stakes that have been in use for nearly half a century. The stakes were once used to hang cigar tobacco in curing barns in Connecticut and more recently at Borysiewicz’s Florida Sun Grown (FSG) tobacco farm in Clermont, Florida. These tobacco stakes have hung countless leaves of some of the world’s most prized tobaccos, slowly allowing the transformation of a freshly harvested green tobacco leaf to air cure into a fragrant, golden brown cigar tobacco wrapper leaf. 

Each humidor is individually numbered, and handmade in California by Daniel Marshall.  Marshall was commissioned to make only 10 of these humidors. Each one is unique, with different variations of color tones and textures of the antique wooden stakes. The wood has taken on oils from the tobacco as well as the weather of Connecticut and Florida, marking history over the past 5 decades. Daniel Marshall personally selected each stake and decided the pattern that each of these historical humidors proudly display.

Over whisky and cigars in Las Vegas, Corona Cigar Co.’s Jeff Borysiewicz and Daniel Marshall discussed ideas to create “humidors with a story” from rare woods. Daniel Marshall will hand-sign these 10 rare humidors and has carefully inlaid a golden plaque with the FSG hallmark and name of these unique Florida grown cigars into the front lower corner. 

Each limited edition humidor will include a box of Florida Sun Grown Cigars, a bottle of Eagle Rare Corona Single Barrel Kentucky Bourbon, FSG Ashtray, FSG Table top Lighter, FSG Cutter, Cigar Rest Corona Cigar Glencairn Whisky glasses, a ticket to the 2021 Barn Smoker as well as a signed, recently published hardbound book, called “38 YEARS.”

Available exclusively at Corona Cigar Co. – Orlando for $1900





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