Located in the eccentric and luxurious Hotel Mondrian in Doha, Smoke & Mirrors brings life and smoke back to the city with one of its most popular and recognized events, the Cigar Ash Night!
Smoke & Mirrors is undoubtedly one of the most recognized and appreciated cigar lounges in the Middle East, thanks to its attractive design and extensive menu of cigars and beverages, they make it a must-see in the region.
According to the new schedule announced by Smoke & Mirrors, this will be the first of many events in this new season of which there will be very interesting surprises throughout 2022.
The event will take place on December 21, 2021 and will be sponsored by The Humidor Qatar Company, a local distributor of brands such as Oliva, Plasencia, Gurkha, Rocky Patel and Joya de Nicaragua.
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