CSWC Grand Final Moves to Dubrovnik

“We want to do something special, something new. Because Croatia is such a beautiful country and there is so much we can offer the competitors, we’re discussing moving the final to a different city, but nothing is official yet. We’ll see.”

Those were the closing words of Marko Bilic, founder of Cigar Smoking World Championships, in our article about last year’s final. Well, now it’s official. 2024 marks the 15th anniversary of the CSWC and for the first time ever the Grand Final won’t be held in Split. Instead competitors and spectators will be invited to Croatia’s number one tourist destination further down the Adriatic coast. On August 30 to September 1 the final will take place in the prestigious Rixos Hotel in Dubrovnik, located on a cliff with panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea. 

“Get ready for an unbelievable lineup of programs and surprises that will create some unforgettable memories for you,” Bilic says. “Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the world of competitive cigar smoking, these Grand Final promises to deliver an experience that is nothing short of spectacular.”

Since graduating with an engineering degree in surveying in 2005, Simon Lundh has preferred to follow a profession in journalism. He stumbled upon the cigar world while working for a non-governmental organization in Estelí, Nicaragua, and is now mainly making a living writing about cigars, metal music, tattoos, and travel.


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