Premium cigar brand, Oliva Cigars and the New York City cigar and cocktail lounge, The Carnegie Club, are collaborating to create a cigar brand.
This is the first time The Carnegie Club has committed to a cigar brand featuring their name. It is to be launched at The Carnegie Club in December to coincide with the annual celebration of Frank Sinatra’s birthday. The final date is to be announced.
The Carnegie Club has been a part of the New York cigar culture for more than two decades. Located in the heart of New York City, near Central Park across from Carnegie Hall, it has been a beacon of refinement, celebration and “rat pack” like entertainment.
The exclusive Oliva cigar box will be an ode to the history and style of The Carnegie Club, honoring its design and embracing its look and feel. And just like with The Carnegie Club itself, it’s not only about what you see around you, but also about what happens on the inside.
Each box contains ten rich and complex 6×52 Torpedos blended for the cigar connoisseur with a medium-bodied taste profile, which will appeal to most cigar lovers. Frederik Vandermarliere, owner of Oliva Cigars, is excited and about “two exclusive brands joining forces to honor the ultimate cigar experience: one that creates a union of taste, sophistication, social encounter and celebration of lifestyle. This is what it means to pursue ultimate quality. This is where we aim to be with Oliva.”