A cigar matures more slowly in a tube. This is why storage recommendations depend on the strength and storage duration of the cigar.
A Guide to Cigar Cases and Tubes: Metal, Leather, Wood or Carbon?
Humidor expert Marc André explains the properties of cigar cases and tubes made of different materials and gives a guide on how to maintain the case of your choice.
Read the Story of the Aluminium Cigar Tube
Aluminium cigar tubes are as much part of the Havana cigar scene as labelled boxes, cedar cabinets and elegant humidors. The traditional hand-crafted boxes have been around for centuries. But when did tubes first make an appearance and who thought of the idea?
New Quintero Vitola Tubulares Launching in Aluminum Tubo
Habanos has now officially announced the worldwide release of Quintero Tubulares, the first Quintero size available in an aluminum tube. The 133 x 16,7 mm | 5 1/4 x 42 cigar is made “Totalmente a Mano con Tripa Corta”.