Tag Archives: Female Cigar Smokers

Shirley McClellan Fire and Smoke Parlor Baltimore, MD

Burning Down Barriers: Shirley McClellan’s Way Into the Cigar Industry

Burning Down Barriers: Shirley McClellan’s Way Into the Cigar Industry

Looking around the landscape of the cigar industry, one thing notably missing is the presence of African-American brick & mortar owners, especially females. Shirley McClellan opened the Fire & Smoke Cigar Parlor in Baltimore, MD with a mission.

passionada lightning a cigar

IWCS Survey: Passionadas Characterize the Cigar Scene

Women in the cigar scene are no longer just an appendage to passionados. Passionadas characterize the cigar scene. They come “voluntarily”, not acting as chaperones but as attendees in their own right, to club nights, cigar events, tastings and trade fairs. They know pretty much what they want to smoke and are quite knowledgeable.

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International Women’s Cigar Society. The Network.

Back in 2009 a hub was set up especially for women in the branch – the International Women’s Cigar Society (IWCS). The platform not only unites the distribution, the manufacturing and supplier side, but also the cigar smokers themselves, and women’s cigar clubs have found their point of contact in IWCS.

oettinger davidoff ag ladies masterclass london participants lighting cigar

Infiltrating a Male Bastion – Davidoff Ladies’ Masterclass

Delighted by their success in London, Davidoff is now planning Ladies’ Masterclasses in Paris, Vienna and Madrid. Exploring London’s Cigar Rooms, aficionadas are not only defying the smoking ban and the British weather, they are also infiltrating one of the last remaining male bastions and, armed with their new-found Masterclass know-how, they’re doing it with great confidence and style.

karen lee regional director st dupont america portrait with cigar evening

Leading Women of the Cigar World

Looking at cigars from more than one angle is important to us. We want to fully explore this industry, its changes, and how it is changing the world. Since the creation of cigars, women and men have worked in tobacco side by side. In this article we are featuring stories of some of the women leading the cigar industry today.



By pressing the ‘I AM OF LEGAL AGE’ button, I agree that I am of legal age for smoking and drinking in my country.