For his long-term study of and commitment to the history of the pipe and the culture of pipe smoking, Don Duco has been granted the prestigious European Heritage Award, or Europa Nostra Award.
Big Smoke Amsterdam Takes a Tour
Big Smoke 2017 took place in the Dutch city over the weekend, with 150 cigar lovers taking advantage of an incredible deal – 85 Euros bought them 10 cigars and a free bus around the city’s must-see cigar stop offs.
Cigaragua – A special Cigar Shop
The dutch cigar specialist, Sasja van Horssen, launched a revolutionary store. It is the world’s first Nicuraguan-only cigar shop.
World’s First Nicaragua-Only Cigar Store Opens In Amsterdam
Cigaragua – a unique cigar store selling only handmade cigars from Nicaragua – welcomed worldwide guests with a packed launch party in Amsterdam.
Dutch Slow Smoking Tournament Held At PGC Hajenius
On Saturday, 4th of June 2016, cigar lovers of The Netherlands gathered at the iconic cigar shop of PGC Hajenius in Amsterdam for the Dutch qualification tournament to the Cigar Smoking World Championship (CSWC).
P.G.C. Hajenius Amsterdam cigar events in 2016
Hajenius has been the ‘old master’ of Dutch cigar stores since 1826. Check out their event calendar to find what is your best ‘excuse’ to visit this iconic establishment.
Historic Pipe Sketches by Jean Perron at Amsterdam Pipe Museum Exhibition
By pure chance the curator of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum found a brown leather case in a private library in Belgium. It contained 80 pages of designs from the 1860’s of tobacco pipes to be carved in meerschaum.