Rocky Patel cigar evening

The next cigar event will really be exceptional. One of the most significant personalities of cigar world, big fighter against premium cigar regulation, man with infinite energy – Rocky Patel will come to enjoy his exceptional cigars together. The Rocky Patel cigar evening will take place in less than two weeks on Thursday 08.09.2022 at 18:00 in Wakelake resort at Zlate piesky in Bratislava. The seating is located at private outdoor terrace. Entry fee 60 EUR (on-site) / 55 EUR (purchased in advance in one of our stores in Bratislava) includes 3 cigars, 2 alcoholic beverages and a nice dinner. Dom Cigár will be serving the following selection:

  • Hamlet Liberation Robusto 
  • Rocky Patel SE Robusto
  • Rocky Patel Sixty Robusto

Please confirm your attendance before 06.09.2022.


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