Quality Importers Unveil Two New Cigar Caddy Cigar Tubes

Quality Importers Trading Company unveils two new Cigar Caddy Cigar Tubes. Available in both single and triple cigar capacity options. 

Cigar passionados will find the Cigar Caddy Cigar Tube has a textured finish to help prevent scuffs and scratches and to provide a sure grip while handling. With the ability to hold cigars up to 64-ring gauge and with an internal adjustable locking mechanism, each tube can hold various sizes of your favorite cigars. 

·       The size and lightweight design allow for easy mobility.
·       Weatherproof and crushproof tubes can withstand elements and physical damage, made of black ABS these tubes are extremely durable.
·       Constructed with a secure lid for tight sealing and protection of contents.
·       Will securely hold one or three cigars up to 64-ring gauge.
·       Customizable through the Swag Bunker Program to promote a brand or personalize a gift. 

Taylor Torres, Cigar Caddy Brand Manager, said, “These Cigar Tubes are just the beginning of the new accessories Cigar Caddy will unveil this year. We continue to expand on our brand’s reputation as the best weatherproof, crushproof, affordable and reliable cigar cases on the market; all while purveying outdoor and travel accessories meant to last through our customers adventures. Cigar Caddy will always be your preferred travel buddy.” 

The Cigar Caddy Cigar Tube 3-cigar capacity offered at an MSRP of $6.99 and 1-cigar capacity offered at an MSRP of $2.99.


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