Summer is the busiest time for the entire cigar industry. The warm weather lures passionados outdoors to enjoy a delicious cigar, cool drinks and inspiring conversation.
At the Light em Up Lounge, cigar lovers from around the world come together to celebrate the culture around handmade premium cigars with industry icons.
The live show takes place every Wednesday at 8:00 pm Central European Time / 2:00 pm Eastern Time. This July and Auguste an eclectic array of guests will guarantee exciting hours and in-depth discussions.
Furthermore, the Virtual Puro Sabor Festival culminates in a grand finale with the two final episodes.
July 21st Aaron Goldfarb – Writer and Novelist, New York Times, Esquire, PUNCH
July 22nd Puro Sabor 2021 – Why Nicaragua Is No. 1 (Reinhold Widmayer, Cigar Journal / Patrick Lagreid, Halfwheel / Erik Calvino, Cigar Snob)
July 28th Mitchell Orchant – Dominique London
August 4th Hamlet Paredes – Hamlet Cigars / Rocky Patel
August 5th Puro Sabor 2021 – Grand Finale
August 11th Nirka Reyes – De Los Reyes Cigars
Further information can be found on the homepage of Light em Up World as well as on our Facebook page.
Become part of the Light em Up community and enjoy a delicious cigar together with us at the virtual lounge.