Las Llantas & Las Mesitas: New processing centers in Nicaragua

Vandermarliere Cigar Family (VCF), cigar maker and owner of Oliva Cigars invested in two state-of-the-art processing centers in Nicaragua.

At Las Llantas (in Condega) and Las Mesitas (in EstelĂ­) knowledge and passion for the kraft will team up with innovative quality monitoring techniques. Both centers will boost local communities.

At the new processing centers of Oliva Cigar, everything is taken care of to let soil, tobacco and handling reinforce each other, delivering a final product for cigar aficionados to enjoy.

Las Llantas became operational in December 2021, Las Mesitas in March 2022. Both centers together create jobs for roughly 1400 local workers.

Fred Vandermarliere, CEO of VCF: “It is not enough to deliver exceptional quality today. We always want to stay a few steps ahead of the game. With these investments, we reassure cigar aficionados around the globe that we commit ourselves to the highest levels of quality, for many years to come. When they enjoy one of our cigars, its composing roots must resonate through the entire experience”.


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