Tag Archives: Cigar Friendly

Elevated Smoking Experience: Rocky Mountain Cigar Co.

Elevated Smoking Experience: Rocky Mountain Cigar Co.

If you are an outdoor loving person who likes to end a day of fishing, hunting, or golfing with a good cigar and glass of Bourbon, then the Rocky Mountain Cigar Company shop and lounge is the place for you. 

rauch lounge zigarren klimaraum humidor

Rauch Lounge  | Cigar Friendly, Region Nordrhein-Westfalen

Die Lounge, ein ehemaliger Wintergarten des familiär geführten Fachgeschäfts, besticht durch ihre hellen und großen Räumlichkeiten und verspricht – noch dazu mit einem gut gefüllten Humidor – die Ruhe, die manche Cigar-Passionados für den Genuss ihrer Zigarre mit passendem Getränken suchen. 

whiskycigarsalon Raucherlounge

Whisky & Cigar Salon | Cigar Friendly, Region Nordrhein-Westfalen

Die Helle Alec Braldey-Lounge besticht durch hohe Decken, weitläufige Sitzgruppen, einem großen Sortiment an Zigarren und einer noch größeren Auswahl an Whiskys. Und auf der großen Außenterrasse kann man die Ruhe inklusive Wasserplätschern des Flüsschens Dinkel genießen. 

E squared cigar lounger

E2 | E Squared Cigar Lounge | Cigar Friendly: Wilmington, DE

Former banking professional and amateur motorcycle racer Omar Hargis was a regular patron of cigar brick and mortars in the Wellmington, Delware area until a motorcycle wreck sidelined him for 10 months. “Sitting on your deck with a broken leg enjoying cigars…you have a lot of time to think,” says Hargis. Healing up and returning to corporate America, he quickly realized that it was time to flex his entrepreneurial muscle, build a shop of his own, and create a legacy that could be passed on to his children and his children’s children.

Mina’s Cigar Lounge | Cigar Friendly: Baltimore, MD

What started as an investment in a business quickly became a passion for premium cigars. For Mina Herran, owner of Mina’s Cigar Lounge, the venture didn’t go as originally planned, which proved to be a blessing in disguise. In June 2017 Herran became the first African-American Female owner of a premium cigar brick and mortar in the city of Baltimore, MD.



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