The premium cigar is in high season. The warm summer days invite the passionados to enjoy their cigars outside. The PCA Trade Show in Las Vegas gathered a lot of international attention and the latest news on the regulatory framework in the United States permit cautious optimism.
There’s plenty to talk about, and the Light ‚em Up Lounge offers the perfect environment for exciting behind-the-scenes insights into the cigar industry, with illustrious guests and fascinating topics.
The live show takes place every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Central European Time / 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
July 20th David Blanco – Blanco Cigars
July 27th Didier Houvenaghel – “The Cigar From Soil To Soul”
August 3rd Michael Giannini – Quality Importers
August 10th Angela & James Brown – Black Label Trading
August 17th tba
Further information can be found on the homepage of Light em Up World as well as on our Facebook page.
Become part of the Light em Up community and enjoy a delicious cigar together with us at the virtual lounge.