I love how premium cigars bring people together. It doesn’t matter who you are, your age, race, religion, education, or even the language you speak, if you enjoy cigars, we can be friends. Cigar lounges around the world prove this everyday by welcoming people of diverse backgrounds. In today’s hyper partisan world, there aren’t many traditions as welcoming and inclusive as premium cigars.
In this spirit, I was thrilled when Visit Tampa Bay brought a group of people with disabilities to our historic El Reloj cigar factory yesterday as part of Disability Pride Month. Although El Reloj is 112 years old, we are very proud that our factory is fully accessible to people with disabilities. It is very important to my family and me that everyone feels welcome at El Reloj so that we can share Tampa’s 137-year-old cigar-making tradition with as many people as possible.
I am sure that all of you have seen cigars being hand rolled. For the first time yesterday, I saw cigars being rolled with feet. One of our visitors, Emily Rowley, was born without hands and showcases on social media how she does everything with her feet. It was our privilege teaching Emily how to roll cigars with her feet. As it was very impressive to watch, I wanted to share Emily’s video along with a story that our local ABC station aired as you might enjoy seeing it as well.
Thanks, Drew Newman
*Drew Newman is the owner and general counsel of J.C. Newman Cigar Company. He represents the family’s fourth generation in the company.
Check out Emily Rowley’s IG REEL showing how she rolls cigars: https://www.instagram.com/p/CgKPhMwl3nV/
Check out the ABC Tampa Bay’s Special: