Davidoff Cigars has collaborated with renowned menswear retailer The Armoury on ‘The Study’ a new cigar tasting lounge in Hong Kong’s Pedder Arcade, located in the city’s Central District.
Providing a a contemporary retail concept that takes inspiration from historic European shopping arcades, The Pedder Arcade, on the fifth floor of the iconic Pedder Building, is a modern shopping destination featuring upscale shops, an engaging art gallery, charming bar, café, and now cigar-tasting lounge. The concept delivers sanctuary from the intensity of Hong Kong, and a sophisticated and calm atmosphere for people to enjoy.
„I wanted to make a place for people to shop in peace, an environment that feels grand but comforting simultaneously,” said Mark Cho, co-founder of The Armoury. „The Pedder Arcade was a dream of mine for many years, and I am grateful to the landlords of the building who believed in my vision and allowed me to bring it to life. I hope it becomes a global destination that reminds everyone of how special Hong Kong truly is.“
The Study follows the current Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 retail concept, which resembles a cigar box – stylishly elegant, contemporary, and warm, with interior design combining lush woods with natural materials in earthy tones that are reminiscent of the colour of the cigars. Yet The Study is a contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional lounge. High ceilings and arch windows let an abundance of natural light in, while desks and chairs designed for a productive cigar experience ensures new lounge’s name is apt. The Study is not just a space of leisure but also a place to work while enjoying the finer things in life.
Address: Shop 505, 5th Floor, Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong
Business Hours: Mon – Sat: 11:00 – 22:00; Sun & Public Holiday: 12:00 – 18:00
Contact Number: +852 9131 7172
Email: [email protected]